This week's guest is comedian Rory Lutz! What hero did Rory start with? What X-Men villain did Rory really like? Why doesn't Brett read the fan theories? Did Marvel's movie success turn Rory from a DC guy into a Marvel guy? What was cool about the Gotham TV show and how was it like The Batman? Why would anyone want to live in Gotham City? What did Marvel do when DC cast Jason Momoa as Aquaman? What unpopular opinion does Rory hold? Who will they cast next as Wolverine? Why doesn't Rory like the X-Men movies? Will we ever get a Gambit movie? Who is Brett's least favorite superhero? Who are Glob Herman and Eye Boy (that's not Brett's least favorite)? Who does Rory have problems with? How does Rory feel about fanboys? Why does Rory love The Thing? What does Rory hope to see in the new Doctor Strange movie? What happened when King Shark went vegan? Why is Poison Ivy right?
Reading list: Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine; Planet Hulk; World War Hulk; Infinite Crisis; Batman: Court of Owls
Recorded 5-4-22 via Zoom