Ghost Rider and More

Published: May 19, 2023, 7:06 p.m.

My guest this week is comedian Mike O'Sullivan! Who was the first Spider-Man on TV? Where did Spider-Woman get her start? How many people have played Superman? Does anyone like crowd work clips? What happened when they rebooted Ghost Rider? Who is Danny Ketch? What is Midnight Sons? What issue of Ghost Rider freaked Brett out? Who is Cosmic Ghost Rider? What do we like about Ghost Rider? Did you think you'd become a millionaire by buying number one issues of comics? What was the New Universe? What comic book is Brett holding onto because he thinks it will be valuable? What's a change they made when they adapted Spider-Man for the movies? Have we hit superhero movie fatigue? Who was in the West Coast Avengers? What Spider-Man titles were there in the 80s? What's the deal with the Kraven the Hunter movie? Why are fan trailers annoying?\xa0


Reading list:

Midnight Sons


Ghost Rider


Secret Wars


Various Spider-Man titles


Kraven's Last Hunt


New Universe


Cosmic Ghost Rider


If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor (book)

Recorded 5-5-23 via zoom