100 Bullets and More - Meg Felling - Ep 83

Published: March 18, 2022, 9:01 p.m.


Today we're joined by Meg Felling. How is The Batman? What does Meg look for in a comic book movie? Why do we like Alamo Draft House? What comic book lesson did Meg learn at a young age? What movie did Brett think David Bowie was in? What happened in the Ultimate Marvel Universe? What was the last event series Meg read? Is the nerd community supportive of each other? Are comic books more accessible than they used to be? Remember when collecting comics wasn't cool? Which famous writer still uses LiveJournal? Where did Meg used to work that kept her steeped in graphic novels? Which character from The Boys is Meg's favorite? Who is Fig Keele? How does Meg feel about Damien Wayne? How did they make Jubilee interesting? Which big time writer does Meg have a love/hate relationship with?

Reading tips: Tenchi Muyo; Gundam Wing; Ultimate Marvel Comics; Superman Beyond; House of Mystery (Vertigo); The Boys; Dear Becky; Geoff Johns' Green Lantern; Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman; Batman: Year One; The Sixth Gun and The Damned both by Cullen Bunn (Oni Press); Kingdom Come; Joe The Barbarian; I Kill Giants; 100 Bullets

Recorded 3-5-22 via Zencastr
