Episode 533: Retro Review Rewind featuring DC's GREEN TEAM #1, Marvel's SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #10 & Image's BOUNCE #1

Published: Oct. 5, 2019, 5:03 p.m.

b"Episode 533: Retro Review Rewind featuring GREEN TEAM #1 by DC, SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #10 by Marvel and BOUNCE #1 by IMAGE COMICS. Your Donations Keep the Podcast Going- Please Give https://bit.ly/2nqTTKy Email us at: Comicsforfunandprofit@gmail.com - questions, comments, gripes, we can't wait to hear what you have to say. Shop Kyle/Drew Ebay Stores from our website - www.comicsfunprofit.com. Follow us on Twitter: @ComicsFunProfit Like us on Facebook.com/ComicsForFunAndProfit. Subscribe, rate, review on itunes. We are on Stitcher. Thank you so much for listening and spreading the word about our little comic book podcast. https://comcsforfunandprofit.podomatic.com/"