Southern Comfort - Christmas Repeat

Published: Dec. 23, 2020, 8:42 a.m.

What’s it like to celebrate Christmas in the southern hemisphere? Are there things about Christmas that don’t make sense in summer? Things mentioned in this podcast: - Was Jesus born on 25 December? - Average monthly temperature of cities - Things to do in Wichita at Christmas;events&rciv=evn&sxsrf=ACYBGNQUDj2uHQUMZqneSzGli7vHGsO5jw:1574686584061#htivrt=events&htidocid=F7M37PunUtLJvVeVJpA8-A%3D%3D&fpstate=tldetail For more Cognitive Engineering episodes find us on iTunes, Google Play or wherever you get your podcasts, or add this RSS feed to your preferred player