Varying Degrees: Climate Change in the American Mind

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 10:22 p.m.

b'A decade ago, a nationwide survey showed that only around twelve percent of Americans were seriously concerned about climate change. Today, public perceptions have changed.\\xa0\\n\\u201cThe alarmed are between a quarter and 30% of the public,\\u201d says Edward Maibach. \\u201cThat makes them the largest single segment of Americans\\u2026as their name implies, they\\u2019re alarmed about climate change.\\u201d\\nHow does understanding the perceptions of a broadly concerned public enable our leaders to create lasting change? How do climate concerns break down across political, economic, and regional divides?\\nA conversation with Anthony Leiserowitz and Edward Maibach, recipients of the tenth annual Stephen H. Schneider Award for Outstanding Climate Science Communication. At a time when understanding climate perceptions has never been more important, Dr. Leiserowitz and Dr. Maibach have exemplified the ability to be both scientists and powerful communicators through their work on the public\\u2019s understanding of climate change, including the seminal Global Warming\\u2019s Six Americas project.\\nGuests:\\nAnthony Leiserowitz, Director and Senior Research Scientist, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication\\nEdward Maibach, Director, George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication\\nHost:\\xa0Greg Dalton\\nRelated Links:\\nGlobal Warming\\u2019s Six Americas\\nYale Climate Connections Podcast\\nClimate Matters \\u2013 Jim Gandy\\nClimate Matters in the Newsroom\\nWhite House Fact Sheet: President Biden\\u2019s Executive Actions on Climate Change\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'