Cleared Hot Episode 53 - Chris Spealler

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, 10:30 a.m.


Chris Spealler is a return guest on the podcast.\\xa0 He is a former college wrestler, and most often known for his competitive days as a CrossFit Athlete. He had top ten finishes at the CrossFit Games in 2007, 2008, and 2010, and winning the Master category for 35-39 year old athletes in 2017.\\xa0 He is the owner of CrossFit Park City in Utah, a husband and father, and a passionate archer (sort of).\\xa0

The training program referenced in the podcast can be found here, at: Grunt Works, and can be used as a stand alone program, or as accessory training to your current program.\\xa0 It is designed for capacity in the outdoors, not inside of the walls of a gym.\\xa0
