The Nile by Leigh Hunt

Published: Nov. 27, 2007, 10:12 a.m.

b"Leigh Hunt read by Classic Poetry Aloud:\\n\\n\\nGiving voice to the poetry of the past.\\n\\n---------------------------------------------------\\n\\nThe Nile\\n\\nby James Henry Leigh Hunt (1784 \\u2013 1859)\\n\\nIt flows through old hushed Egypt and its sands,\\nLike some grave mighty thought threading a dream,\\nAnd times and things, as in that vision, seem\\nKeeping along it their eternal stands,--\\nCaves, pillars, pyramids, the shepherd bands\\nThat roamed through the young world, the glory extreme\\nOf high Sesostris, and that southern beam,\\nThe laughing queen that caught the world's great hands.\\n\\nThen comes a mightier silence, stern and strong,\\nAs of a world left empty of its throng,\\nAnd the void weighs on us; and then we wake,\\nAnd hear the fruitful stream lapsing along\\nTwixt villages, and think how we shall take\\nOur own calm journey on for human sake."