The Means to attain Happy Life by Henry Howard Earl of Surrey

Published: Jan. 8, 2008, 5:45 a.m.

b"Howard read by Classic Poetry Aloud:\\n\\n\\nGiving voice to the poetry of the past.\\n\\n---------------------------------------------------\\n\\n The Means to attain Happy Life\\nby Henry Howard (1516 \\u2013 1547)\\n\\nMartial, the things that do attain \\n The happy life be these, I find:\\u2014 \\nThe richesse left, not got with pain; \\n The fruitful ground, the quiet mind; \\n \\nThe equal friend; no grudge, no strife; \\n No charge of rule, nor governance; \\nWithout disease, the healthful life; \\n The household of continuance; \\n \\nThe mean diet, no delicate fare; \\n True wisdom join'd with simpleness; \\nThe night discharg\\xe8d of all care, \\n Where wine the wit may not oppress. \\n \\nThe faithful wife, without debate; \\n Such sleeps as may beguile the night: \\nContented with thine own estate \\n Ne wish for death, ne fear his might. \\n\\n\\nAlternative wording, in modern English:\\n\\nMy friend, the things that do attain \\nThe happy life be these, I find: \\nThe riches left, not got with pain; \\nThe fruitful ground; the quiet mind; \\n\\nThe equal friend; no grudge; no strife; \\nNo charge of rule, nor governance; \\nWithout disease, the healthy life; \\nThe household of continuance; \\n\\nThe mean diet, no dainty fare; \\nWisdom joined with simpleness; \\nThe night discharged of all care, \\nWhere wine the wit may not oppress: \\n\\nThe faithful wife, without debate; \\nSuch sleeps as may beguile the night; \\nContent thyself with thine estate, \\nNeither wish death, nor fear his might."