Occasional Miscellany 5: Love Poetry

Published: Feb. 7, 2008, 4:04 p.m.

b"Love Poetry read by Classic Poetry Aloud:\\nhttp://www.classicpoetryaloud.com/\\nGiving voice to the poetry of the past.\\n\\n---------------------------------------------\\n\\nPoetry in the lead up to Valentine\\u2019s Day will include:\\n\\n8th February: New love \\u2013 Absence by Robert Bridges\\n9th February: The need for love \\u2013 Revelation by Sir Edmund Gosse\\n10th February: Love as conquest \\u2013 The Fair Singer by Andrew Marvell \\n11th February: Love as surrender \\u2013 Surrender by Emily Dickinson \\n12th February: Love of friendship \\u2013 My True-Love Hath my Heart by Sir Philip Sidney \\n13th February: Love after many years \\u2013 Reunited by Ella Wheeler Wilcox\\n14th February: The promise of future love \\u2013 Sudden Light by Dante Gabriel Rossetti\\n\\n\\n Love\\u2019s Secret\\nby William Blake (1757 \\u2013 1827)\\n\\nNever seek to tell thy love, \\nLove that never told can be; \\nFor the gentle wind does move \\nSilently, invisibly. \\n\\nI told my love, I told my love, \\nI told her all my heart; \\nTrembling, cold, in ghastly fears, \\nAh! she did depart! \\n\\nSoon as she was gone from me, \\nA traveller came by, \\nSilently, invisibly \\nHe took her with a sigh.\\n\\n\\n\\n Love Hate Poem\\nby Ellen P. Allerton (1835 \\u2013 1893)\\n\\nAlthough a thousand leagues two hearts divide,\\n That love has joined, the gulf is not so great\\nAs that twixt two, who, dwelling side by side\\n Behold between, the black abyss of Hate.\\n\\n\\n\\nJenny Kissed Me\\nby James Leigh Hunt (1784 \\u2013 1859)\\n\\nJenny kiss'd me when we met,\\n Jumping from the chair she sat in;\\nTime, you thief, who love to get\\n Sweets into your list, put that in!\\nSay I'm weary, say I'm sad,\\n Say that health and wealth have miss'd me,\\nSay I'm growing old, but add,\\n Jenny kiss'd me."