His Books by Robert Southey

Published: April 25, 2008, 7 a.m.

b"Southey read by Classic Poetry Aloud:\\nhttp://www.classicpoetryaloud.com/\\nGiving voice to the poetry of the past.\\n\\n---------------------------------------------\\n\\nHis Books\\nby Robert Southey (1774 \\u2013 1843)\\n\\nMy days among the Dead are past;\\n Around me I behold,\\nWhere'er these casual eyes are cast,\\n The mighty minds of old:\\nMy never-failing friends are they,\\nWith whom I converse day by day.\\nWith them I take delight in weal\\n And seek relief in woe;\\nAnd while I understand and feel\\n How much to them I owe,\\nMy cheeks have often been bedew'd\\nWith tears of thoughtful gratitude.\\n\\nMy thoughts are with the Dead; with them\\n I live in long-past years,\\nTheir virtues love, their faults condemn,\\n Partake their hopes and fears;\\nAnd from their lessons seek and find\\nInstruction with an humble mind.\\n\\nMy hopes are with the Dead; anon\\n My place with them will be,\\nAnd I with them shall travel on\\n Through all Futurity;\\nYet leaving here a name, I trust,\\nThat will not perish in the dust."