571. Delight in Disorder by Robert Herrick

Published: Aug. 23, 2010, 7 a.m.

b'R Herrick read by Classic Poetry Aloud: \\n\\nhttp://www.classicpoetryaloud.com/ \\n\\nGiving voice to the poetry of the past. \\n\\n--------------------------------------- \\n\\nDelight in Disorder\\n\\nby Robert Herrick (1591\\u20131674) \\n\\nA sweet disorder in the dress \\nKindles in clothes a wantonness:\\u2013 \\nA lawn about the shoulders thrown \\nInto a fine distracti\\xf3n,\\u2013 \\nAn erring lace, which here and there \\nEnthrals the crimson stomacher,\\u2013 \\nA cuff neglectful, and thereby \\nRibbands to flow confusedly,\\u2013 \\nA winning wave, deserving note, \\nIn the tempestuous petticoat,\\u2013 \\nA careless shoe-string, in whose tie \\nI see a wild civility,\\u2013 \\nDo more bewitch me, than when art \\nIs too precise in every part. \\n\\nFirst aired: 15 May 2008 \\n\\nFor hundreds more poetry readings, visit the Classic Poetry Aloud index. \\n\\nReading \\xa9 Classic Poetry Aloud 2009'