454. A Dream within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

Published: April 3, 2009, 6:22 p.m.

b'EA Poe read by Classic Poetry Aloud:\\nhttp://www.classicpoetryaloud.com/\\n\\nGiving voice to the poetry of the past.\\n\\n---------------------------------------------\\n\\n A Dream within a Dream\\nby Edgar Allan Poe (1809 \\u2013 1849)\\n\\nTake this kiss upon the brow! \\nAnd, in parting from you now, \\nThIs much let me avow \\u2013 \\nYou are not wrong, who deem \\nThat my days have been a dream: \\nYet if hope has flown away \\nIn a night, or in a day, \\nIn a vision or in none, \\nIs it therefore the less gone?\\nAll that we see or seem \\nIs but a dream within a dream. \\n\\n\\nI stand amid the roar\\nOf a surf-tormented shore,\\nAnd I hold within my hand\\nGrains of the golden sand\\u2014\\nHow few! yet how they creep\\nThrough my fingers to the deep\\nWhile I weep--while I weep!\\nO God! can I not grasp\\nThem with a tighter clasp?\\nO God! can I not save \\nOne from the pitiless wave? \\nIs all that we see or seem \\nBut a dream within a dream?\\n\\nFirst aired: 3 April 2009\\n\\nFor hundreds more poetry readings, visit the Classic Poetry Aloud index.\\n\\nReading \\xa9 Classic Poetry Aloud 2009'