453. Absence by Robert Bridges

Published: March 30, 2009, 7:22 p.m.

b"R Bridges read by Classic Poetry Aloud: Giving voice to the poetry of the past.\\nwww.classicpoetryaloud.com\\n\\n--------------------------------------------\\n\\nAbsence\\nby Robert Bridges (1844\\u20131930)\\n\\nWhen my love was away,\\nFull three days were not sped,\\nI caught my fancy astray\\nThinking if she were dead,\\nAnd I alone, alone:\\nIt seem'd in my misery\\nIn all the world was none\\nEver so lone as I.\\n\\nI wept; but it did not shame\\nNor comfort my heart: away\\nI rode as I might, and came\\nTo my love at close of day.\\n\\nThe sight of her still'd my fears,\\nMy fairest-hearted love:\\nAnd yet in her eyes were tears:\\nWhich when I question'd of,\\n\\n'O now thou art come,' she cried,\\n''Tis fled: but I thought to-day\\nI never could here abide,\\nIf thou wert longer away.'\\n\\n\\n\\nFirst aired: 8 February 2008\\n\\nFor hundreds more poetry readings, visit the Classic Poetry Aloud index.\\n\\nReading \\xa9 Classic Poetry Aloud 2009"