S2E16: Programming and building community during COVID-19

Published: Oct. 12, 2020, 4:43 p.m.

Wow, it has been a while. On campus, we have been really busy all semester working through the changes and challenges of the pandemic. One of the things that does not seem to have slowed has been the programming that students host for the campus. Whether through the Campus Activities Board (CAB), other student organizations, or the work that the Resident Assistants have been doing in the halls, come listen to what has been going on directly from some of our student leaders on campus. We have all been working together to continue to have opportunities to build community and develop leadership.

Joining me are Kassandra Galletti, who is the President of CAB, Olivia Solaria who is one of our awesome RAs and is involved in other student organizations, and Katie Schaefer who is our reigning RA of the Year and knows a thing or two about programming.