Who will be Taiwan's next President?

Published: Dec. 11, 2023, 3:58 p.m.


Taiwan goes to the polls in just over a month. This is an election that could have wide repercussions, given the island\\u2019s status as a potential flashpoint in the coming years.
\\nThe incumbent President, Tsai Ing-wen, is coming to the end of two elected terms, meaning that she cannot run again. Her party\\u2019s chosen successor is William Lai \\u2013 Lai Ching-te \\u2013 who is the current vice president. For most of this year, he has been facing off opposition from the Kuomintang, the biggest opposition party in Taiwan, and the Taiwan People\\u2019s Party, a third party led by the charismatic Ko Wen-je.
\\nLai remains in the lead with a month to go, but polls show that the KMT is only a few points behind, meaning that an upset is still possible. Since Taiwan became a democracy, it\\u2019s the KMT that has been the party calling for closer relations to China, and Tsai and Lai\\u2019s DPP that has been more pro-independence and pro-West. Given Beijing has shut off the hotline with Taipei in protest of the DPP since Tsai was first elected in 2016, if Lai wins in January, relations with Beijing are unlikely to get better. But how can the KMT justify closer relations with China, when it seems like the world is in a different place compared to 2015, the last time the KMT held the presidency?
\\nJoining the episode is William Yang, a Taipei-based freelance correspondent, who has written for Voice of America, Deutsche Welle, the Guardian and the Times.