What Chinese hackers want

Published: March 28, 2024, 5:49 p.m.


Over the last week the UK has been rocked by allegations that China was responsible for two cyber attacks in recent years \\u2013 one on the Electoral Commission, where hackers successfully accessed the open register, which has the details of 40 million voters; and a set of attempts to access the emails of a number of China critics within parliament.\\xa0
\\nSo what do we know about China\\u2019s cyber capabilities? What are its goals? And now that the UK knows about these attacks, what should we be doing?
\\nJoining me on the podcast today is Nigel Inkster, senior advisor for cyber security and China at the think tank IISS, formerly director of operations and intelligence at MI6, and author of China\\u2019s Cyber Power, a 2016 book on precisely this question.
\\nYou can also join Cindy Yu at The Spectator\'s Chinese wine lunch on June 14th. To find out more and buy tickets, visit spectator.co.uk/chinesewine.\\n