Ancestors and demons: a brief history of Chinese religion

Published: Sept. 6, 2021, 4:55 p.m.


Are the Chinese religious? The government\\u2019s treatment of Christians and particularly Muslims have been under scrutiny in recent years. But these religious groups only form around 4 per cent of the Chinese population, according to national surveys. So what do the other 96pc believe in?
The CCP is famously atheist, but that doesn\\u2019t mean the society is faithless. Even today, my family (like most other Han families) still sweep the tombs of our ancestors and burn paper money (and these days paper cars and paper iPhones) for their use in the afterlife.
In particular, Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism have grown together, over the centuries, to provide what the Chinese call \\u2018sanjiao heyi\\u2019 \\u2013 three teachings harmonious as one, and these continue to influence Chinese life. Growing up, I never knew which part of my temple visit belonged to which faith. One social scientist has described Chinese faith as \\u2018an empty bowl, which can be variously filled\\u2019
On this episode of Chinese Whispers, we\\u2019ll be taking a look at what the three teachings teach, and how, in modern China, they've perhaps become more cultural than religious.
Joining me on this podcast is Mark Meulenbeld, Associate Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, who is an expert on Chinese folk religion.