The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Differences Part 1 Between Novel & Film

Published: April 10, 2022, 11:45 a.m.

b'Chase & Josh are back at it again today where we compare the first half of The Fellowship of the Ring novel to it\'s Extended Edition Part 1 film counterpart!\\n\\xa0\\nJoin us as we highlight some of the key differences between the movie and book such as; the hobbit\'s trip into the Old Forest and subsequently their introduction to Tom Bombadil, Gandalf\'s conflict with Saruman, which elf helps Frodo get to Rivendell, Bilbo\'s place in the Council of Elrond and many more.\\n\\xa0\\nWith The Riddikulus Crew detailing the differences that resonated with each of them, their thoughts about the first half of The Fellowship of the Ring as a whole, and giving a numeric rating for both the novel & film, this is one you don\'t want to miss.\\n\\xa0\\n\'When the old man, helped by Bilbo and some dwarves, had finished unloading, Bilbo gave a few pennies away; but not a single squib or cracker was forthcoming, to the disappointment of the onlookers.\' "Run away now!" said Gandalf "You will get plenty when the time comes."'