Why you dont feel good enough (and how to change that)

Published: Aug. 16, 2021, 8 a.m.


In this episode, you will learn why you don\\u2019t feel good enough or struggle with imposter syndrome and how to handle it and change the way you feel.

To survive we needed to get on with people\\u2026 status mattered for survival
Evaluating self helped you improve
Instead, we learned to categorize ourselves and judge ourselves\\u2026 fixed mindset (personality, IQ tests)

Mistakes we make
Good enough for what?
Comparison with others
Social Media Deception
Social Media Value
Perception Signaling Bias
Virtue Contests
The law of selective information (all about self, little about others)
Imposter syndrome (we think we\\u2019ll be found out)
The Inner critics (not just one voice\\u2026 a whole host\\u2026 victim voice, villain\\u2019s voice)

Strategies to change it
You are okay where you are for now
How can you improve in the future?

What are you not good enough at? Specifically?
What are you good enough at? Specifically?
How have you improved?

Nobody is perfect. Everybody lies.
You can\\u2019t accurately know if you\\u2019re good enough.

Everyone is an imposter
Elect your Boss voice
