Believe It to See It

Published: Jan. 21, 2020, 7 p.m.


In this episode, my guest Daniel Lewis, discusses his complete transformation from a troubled youth to become a remarkable and successful entrepreneur. While recovering from knife wounds, he witnessed and understood the value that everyone had a role in that hospital towards his healing and ultimate recovery. This was his \\u2018ah-ha\\u2019 moment where he realized that he too wanted to impact people\\u2019s lives in a positive way. In his own words \\u201che saw connection of everything and contributing to humanity just made sense to me\\u201d. He decided to put this newfound philosophy towards his passion for tea and ended up building a successful company. Little did he know that one day his teas would be selected to be served in person to the Prince of Whales. Listen to this inspiring and honest story of Daniel and his transformation journey with your favourite cup of tea.\\xa0

Creator and Host: Greg R. McGovern

Guest: Daniel Lewis

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