The Real Story of the Border Crisis (Vincent Rocco Vargas Returns)

Published: Feb. 21, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

Today on Change Agents, Andy Stumpf talks with the host of the new IRONCLAD original Borderland, Vincent \u201cRocco\u201d Vargas. He is a Hollywood actor, former Army Ranger, and Border Patrol special operations (BORSTAR) veteran.\n\nThe first episode drops on Feb. 22.\xa0\n\n\n\nChange Agents is an IRONCLAD original. \n\nSubscribe:Apple:\n\n\n\nSPONSORS: \n\nChange Agents is presented by Montana Knife Company. \n\nUse CODE "CHANGEAGENTS10" for 10% off your first order at \u2060\u2060