Risking Everything to Cover Modern War (with Sebastian Junger)

Published: Dec. 12, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

Sebastian Junger is an award-winning war journalist, as well as a best-selling author, filmmaker and the founder of the organization Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues \u2014 RISC. \n\nHis work includes the books Freedom, Tribe, War, A Death in Belmont, Fire and the Perfect Storm, as well as the films Restrepo, Korengal, The Last Patrol, and Which Way Is the Front Line From Here, and Hell on Earth: the Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS.\n\nHe recently launched his latest initiative Vets Town Hall, a series of events that allow veterans to share their experiences serving their country.\n\nSPONSOR:\n\nChange Agents is presented by Montana Knife Company. Use CODE "CHANGEAGENTS10" for 10% off your first order at https://www.montanaknifecompany.com/\n\nMTNTOUGH\nGo to https://mtntough.com and enter code CHANGEAGENTS to receive 40% OFF - a savings of about $100 your MTNTOUGH+ annual subscription.\n\nSubscribe to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/change-agents-with-andy-stumpf/id1677415740\n\nShop IRONCLAD Apparel: https://shop.thisisironclad.com/\n\nChange Agents is an IRONCLAD original. Visit https://www.thisisironclad.com to learn more.\n\nBe sure to subscribe to @thisisironclad on YouTube and major social platforms.