ComMODO: Permainan strategi kelola lahan untuk keberlanjutan ekosistem

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 6:35 a.m.

In Indonesia, the role-playing game COmMoDO – short for COMpanion MOdelling in InDOnesia was created by Dr. Nur Hasanah for her PhD– depicts a landscape in East Kalimantan with a mosaic of forests, oil palm plantations and rice fields along a river. It aims to increase understanding around the factors that influence local communities’ decisions on their land and livelihoods, in particular labor allocation, financial capital, as well as socio-economic backgrounds and perceptions around ecosystem services. The game has also provided insights on how local communities interact among themselves and with oil palm companies, and how these interactions also influence decisions on their livelihoods. We conducted 12 game sessions with local communities in Kutai Kartanegara (East Kalimantan) and 2 with local government; To check the this research , please take a look Nur Hashanah’s PhD thesis.