CFD 328 - Ed Conard Let’s Us Pick His Brain to Find the Upside of Equality

Published: Nov. 21, 2016, 4 p.m.

Edward “Ed” Conard is the author of two top ten New York Times bestselling books: The Upside of Inequality: How Good Intentions Undermine the Middle Class and Unintended Consequences: Why Everything You’ve Been Told About the Economy Is Wrong (2012).

Before Ed was the author he is today with top-selling books, he was just an average high school student who didn’t try hard at being a good academic. He went on to college, however, and earned a degree as an engineer because he was good at math. He went on to take a good job, but then was laid off.

When Ed saw a friend got into a top-tier university he decided to apply and got in. He had a long run at a few great jobs, but he didn’t really stick with any of them. He even worked with Mitt Romney at Bank Capital… for free. You’ll have to hear this part of his story!! It is amazing. The numbers he was dealing with were absolutely mind-blowing.

Ed became a partner in Bank Capital for specific reasons, one of which was his ability to close deals. But he was just a guy feeding his family in a way. It wasn’t the income that motivated him. You want to know what did? You’ll have to listen to this interesting episode of the Cash Flow Diary podcast. Learn more. LISTEN NOW.