CFD 187 - Jane Blaufus Tells You How to Exit Your J.O.B. and Do What You’re Meant to Do!

Published: July 13, 2015, 3 p.m.

Ever wish you could leave your corporate job and then take a year off to take care of yourself as you also transition to your new life? That’s exactly what Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Jane Blaufus did… and, yes, she is living the life she wanted to create. Why? Because she believed in herself, took a risk and created it. She also did a lot of planning her exit strategy. Jane even wrote a book about how to claim our lives, With the STROKE of a Pen. So where did this global business-building firecracker come from? Canadian-born Jane Blaufus was raised at the knee of an entrepreneurial mother whose first five businesses failed and the sixth become a fantastic success. Jane’s father was an engineer. As a result Jane knows that it takes a lot of planning to go with any entrepreneur’s dreams. Jane also learned that entrepreneurs keep going, even after failure events, and nothing is an overnight success. There are really long hours involved. Like many “overnight” successes, it took Jane about 10 years to create her success. This popular author, speaker and “Catalyst for Courageous Conversations,” Jane says you can’t go into something wearing rose-colored glasses. Look instead with realistic eyes. That particularly is true when you look at other people’s entrepreneurial endeavors. That’s why Jane is big on hiring coaches and mentors to help keep us on track. Jane says her superhero moment wasn’t really a moment. Rather it came in a series of moments and life events over time. First, her husband quit his six-figure corporate job to do what made him happy, which is pounding nails. He is now a very successful contractor! Jane says he made this change in how he would earn his income because the light had left his life in his corporate job. Jane watched the light return to him when her husband started doing what he really wanted to do in life. Next came a series of life events, an injury and a change at her office where she was in charge of managing a lot of people and was miserable. The stress was making her physically ill. Long story short, she put in her notice, quit her job and headed home, yelling out the car window as she drove away, “I’m free. I’m free. Thank God, I’m free!” Jane then spent time to regroup and explore her soul to figure out what she wanted to do next. She realized she didn’t want to be an employee ever again and that she needed to release the inner entrepreneur she always knew she was meant to be. There were things that kept Jane from taking the leap years earlier. Learn more about Jane’s unique path. You might find that what she says about how her J.O.B. made her feel inside and out resonates with you. Learn more.