CFD 183 - Tammy Stanley Defines and Refines the Sales and Prospecting Process for Us All!

Published: June 29, 2015, 3 p.m.

Do you ever use excuses for why you don’t do anything, why you procrastinate, why you don’t take action, why you don’t make calls, or why you don’t do whatever it takes to move your needle forward? If so, this episode of the Cash Flow Diary podcast is for you! In this lively interview, guest Tammy Stanley shares ways to stop the little voice inside our heads that tell us we can do all sorts of chores and tasks just to avoid making calls we need to make. She says to stop with the excuses! Why is qualified to tell us this? Because she could have come up with all sorts of excuses, like having to care for four young kids or moving to an area where she never lived before, to keep her from taking action in her life. But she didn’t. In fact, she built a massively profitable business doing sales training and business coaching. However, her trail to where she stands today had a rough start. Her father passed away when Tammy was really young. Maybe what she witnessed her mother accomplish after that left a mark. What did her mother do? She went back to school to become a teacher while working and raising her children. Tammy was able to attend a couple of special high-level schools. One was for accelerated learning. That’s when Tammy learned German. After a bit more education and a stint as an assistant teacher in an intensive German language class, Tammy headed to Germany and after about 30 tries landed a low-paying job. She was persistent and she was grateful. The next few years were a whirlwind, Tammy married and then later divorced, and she had children and remarried. All the while, Tammy was adding to her skill sets. In short, Tammy didn’t let what she didn’t have or know stop her from going to Germany and immersing herself in a culture she didn’t know, speaking a language she didn’t know all that well, and creating a life… without any money when she got over there! Tammy took a risk. She jumped out there and tried something new. The same is true when she started her own business. She says that she chuckles when people tell her that they don’t have time to do something. That’s because everyone has time to do whatever they need to do. She thinks perhaps it’s more that we don’t want to look bad doing something new. However, that is no reason not to take steps anyway. In Tammy’s book, Carpe Phonum, she talks about how to get over the hurdle of “call reluctance.” She explains the reasons for why we avoid making sales calls, which makes a whole lot of sense. Tammy explains why we procrastinate in making calls and how to make that annoying inner voice shut up! She also gives great tips about how to tackle projects big and small, and how important it is to work in little chunks of time. Learn more. Listen to this lively interview now.