CFD 137 - Award-Winning Investment Banker Edgar Arceo is on a Mission to Help Others Invest Wisely!

Published: Jan. 22, 2015, 4 p.m.

Originally from Mexico City, CEO and founder of Arceo Financial Group Edgar Arceo came to America to go into the ministry. While it’s not in the church, he’s actually doing what he set out to do, which is to help as many people possible change their lives. The difference is that he ministers to their financial investment needs. Edgar says that before he could guide others in their finances he had to change his mindset. Then he gathered courage to open his own business. First he worked as a financial planner at other people’s companies. That put him on a path, but Edgar found that he couldn’t agree with the practices at those companies, so he set out on his own. As the owner of his own financial group, he helps all sorts of people get more out of their savings and retirement accounts through ethical, well thought-out plans. One tool he sometimes recommends is called a 770 account. Also known as the infinite banking concept, the 770 is named after the part of the IRS code (by the same number) regarding life insurance. It’s a really interesting investment instrument, and it means you can use it as a life benefit as well as a death benefit. In fact, there are so many benefits to this instrument you’ll want to learn about all of them.