CFD 136 - Katie Krimitsos Rocks It as a Superstar Business Podcaster

Published: Jan. 19, 2015, 4 p.m.

What does Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Katie Krimitsos love more than birds? Business and helping entrepreneurs everywhere discover their true potential! Before becoming the amazing business woman and podcast rock star she is today Katie worked in the corporate environment. But she didn’t enjoy it. Katie stuck with that path for a few years to gain skills she could use on the outside, but took her exit just as soon as she saw an opportunity. Beginning her entrepreneurial journey, she gave being an author a shot. That brought her to all sorts of exciting new journeys, first helping entrepreneurs in Tampa Bay and then the world. What this former high school athlete didn’t know was that her skills as a terrific softball player would come in pretty handy later in life. It takes the same level of perseverance to be good at anything, but especially as an athlete and as an entrepreneur or business owner! Today Katie helps them get through slumps, leading by example. She interviews some of the most amazing entrepreneurial women on the planet, and as they share their stories they affect change in many people’s lives. In this episode, Katie shares with us why attitude and action are so critical to an entrepreneur’s success. It also takes passion and focus. Learn what Katie does to help keep business owners on track.