CFD 130 - Pracademic Michael O’Donnell Gives Us a New Way to Look at Entrepreneurship

Published: Dec. 29, 2014, 4 p.m.

What is a “pracademic”? It’s not a moniker you can put on many individuals, but that’s what Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Michael O’Donnell calls himself. In short, a pracademic is someone who looks at new businesses practically and helps them get off the ground and stay in the air with success under their wings. But there’s more to it than that. Knowing everything that goes into creating, building and expanding a successful business venture has allowed serial entrepreneur Michael O’Donnell help lots of businesses get their start. He even formed a pretty cool Angel investment group to help more business owners reach their dreams. In fact, some of the first businesses Michael started and sold are still alive and kicking stronger than ever… still expanding across the globe! If you need funding but aren’t getting very far, Michael is one of the experts in his group that can tell you exactly why you aren’t getting the funding you seek. There are reasons. This pracademic doesn’t just theorize about what it takes to build a successful business; he’s in the trenches with start up’s every day! If you think Michael was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, you’d be wrong. He was born into a poor family and vowed to grow up NOT POOR. He’s reached that goal brilliantly and continues to help others reach that goal, too. You are going to learn a great many new things in this episode. You’re going to learn new terms and new ways of thinking. You’ll even learn what “intrapreneurship” is and how it works. You might want to grab a pen and paper before you listen to this episode. It offers some very valuable information.