CFD 117 - Former Athlete, Entrepreneur and Author Austin Netzley Shares How He Retired Before the Age of 30!

Published: Nov. 13, 2014, 4 p.m.

When it comes to success, gratitude is ultimately part of the journey. Or at least is should be. That’s what Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Austin Netzley shares in this viewpoint in this intriguing interview. Austin knows what he’s talking about, because he interviewed 75 successful entrepreneurs who all say the same thing. Plus, Austin is a mighty grateful individual himself! What about? Getting out of college and landing a great job. But then he realized that something was wrong with his life’s picture. He had worked hard through school and was working harder in the job... yet he was broke. He had landed smack dab in the middle of the rat race and he knew he had to change his mindset to change his life’s path. It took him a little while to get there, because he was comfortable for his first few years. After all, he may have been deeply in debt, but he was earning six figures. A lot of people would want what he had. Who was he to lack joy in his career? But he wasn't happy. He wanted to do something different. It took reading a few great books to push him to make a move. He couldn’t get enough reading in every day. He had to shift his mindset from a middle-class mentality to being an entrepreneur. You’ll be surprised by the books on his reading list! You’ll enjoy hearing his message and learning about how he went on to create the life he wanted, which included retiring young, earning plenty of cashflow and eventually being an author! (He even interviewed me, so my story is included.) Learn more. Listen Now