CFD 115 - Nick Ruiz Shares His Views on Creating Cashflow in Real Estate and as an Entrepreneur Who Rose from the Ashes a Few Times!

Published: Nov. 6, 2014, 4 p.m.

It's not what happens to you but rather how you react to what happens to you that counts! That's what we learn today from Cash Flow Diary podcast guest, Nick Ruiz, a true business Phoenix who rose from the ashes not just once but a couple of times. He went on to create a whole lot of success in his life through Real Estate and entrepreneurial efforts because he learned to focus on solving problems before finding deals. (Sound familiar?) This amazing author and dot-connector started buying and selling for profit early on. In high school he helped his pals by selling their stuff. Then he turned his attention to Real Estate Investing. He was just 19 when he bought a no-money-down training program that he saw on late-late-night TV. However, after he listened to it once, he put it away for a while, because he didn't feel he could actually take the steps he needed to take. Then he thought better of it and pulled the program out again. He knew there was something about Real Estate that would change his life. He was right. Trying a couple of strategies in that program put cashflow in his pocket rather immediately and before the age of 20. That was just the beginning. As an investor, you are going to love this episode because you're going to learn a whole lot, like the benefits of investing in single-family houses! (It's called profit.) Use what you learn right away.