The Mummy's Curse!

Published: Jan. 11, 2023, 5:48 p.m.


Our world is full of cryptids, legends, and myths. I\\u2019m not sure if we are going to be able to cover all of them, but I am happy to say that we are finally able to share the tale of Mummies and the Curse that comes along with them. Now I know that Mummies are real, but I\\u2019d like to take some time and share the story of the most famous mummy known to man and that is the one of King Tut. In 1922 the tomb of King Tut was opened and according to legend the Curse of the Mummy was unleashed and about half the research crew involved in examining the tomb died. So is it a curse, is it a coincidence or are they just headlines for newspapers? Take a listen to this week's episode and find out. Enjoy!
