With all eyes on Putin, enter Iran a conversation in Jerusalem

Published: Feb. 20, 2022, 1 p.m.

b'While the world is watching every development on the Russia-Ukraine border, the United States and Iran may be close to a deal on Iran\\u2019s nuclear program. To help us understand what could happen next, Yaakov Katz \\u2013 Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post and a former advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett \\u2013 joins the podcast.\\n\\n\\n\\nHow does the increasing likelihood of an agreement between the U.S. and Iran change Israeli calculations? Does it increase the possibility of an Israeli military strike? What would that mean for Israel, or the Arab world and the broader Middle East, and for energy markets?\\n\\nAnd with Russia escalating tensions with Ukraine, how does it impact the emerging crisis with Iran?\\n\\nCan we learn anything about Israeli intentions from Israel\\u2019s strike against Iraq\\u2019s nuclear program in 1981 and Syria\\u2019s nuclear program in 2007?\\n\\nBefore becoming Editor-in-Chief at The Jerusalem Post, Yaakov Katz served as the paper\'s military reporter and defense analyst. He is the author of "Shadow Strike: Inside Israel\'s Secret Mission to Eliminate Syrian Nuclear Power" and co-author of two books: "Weapon Wizards - How Israel Became a High-Tech Military Superpower" and "Israel vs. Iran - The Shadow War"\\n\\n"Shadow Strike: Inside Israel\'s Secret Mission to Eliminate Syrian Nuclear Power":\\n\\nhttps://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shadow-strike-yaakov-katz/1129520355\\n\\n"Weapon Wizards - How Israel Became a High-Tech Military Superpower":\\n\\nhttps://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-weapon-wizards-yaakov-katz/1123749307'