Who will tell Biden? The dread of 2024 - with A.B. Stoddard

Published: Oct. 2, 2023, 1:41 p.m.

b'Many Democratic activists, strategists, donors, officeholders, and party leaders are privately discussing the weaknesses of President Biden\'s candidacy, heading into what now appears to be a very competitive 2024 election. But is anyone telling President Biden? Is anyone credible and viable willing to challenge President Biden for the Democratic nomination? We are constantly told that American democracy hangs in the balance. Wouldn\'t this be the time? These are some of the topics we discuss with A.B. Stoddard, long-time Washington, DC journalist (currently with the Bulwark, formerly with The Hill and Real Clear Politics).\\n\\nRead A.B.\'s piece that we discuss in this episode: "To Beat Trump, Democrats Need a Whitmer-Warnock Ticket" https://plus.thebulwark.com/p/to-beat-trump-democrats-need-whitmer-warnock'