Vaccination Nation: Is our Post Corona future unfolding now in Israel?

Published: March 5, 2021, 4 p.m.

b'So far more than 70 percent of Israelis, ages 16 and older, have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and many of them two jabs.\\n\\nHow has Israel done this? Well, Israel\\u2019s prime minister negotiated with Pfizer to obtain millions of vaccine doses early. Israel paid a premium for this upfront supply, but also agreed to provide the company with indispensable clinical data, made possible by Israel\\u2019s digital health infrastructure. Now the prime minister has set a goal of getting Israel\\u2019s economy completely re-opened by the Spring. \\n\\nTo explain what may be heading our way, we have Yonatan Adiri returning to our podcast. Yonatan is the founder and CEO of Tel Aviv digital health startup Healthy.IO. He was also a top technology and diplomatic advisor to then-President Shimon Peres. \\n\\nHas Israel become the world\\u2019s Post-Corona laboratory? What can we expect over here from what Israelis are learning over there?'