US Foreign Policy in 2023 - with Congressman Mike Gallagher

Published: Jan. 30, 2023, noon

b'Congressman Mike Gallagher returns to our podcast, this time to look ahead at American foreign policy in 2023. Congressman Gallagher -- of Wisconsin\'s 8th CD -- has a unique perspective, since he\\u2019s just been tapped to lead the newly created House Select Committee on China.\\n\\n\\nCongressman Gallagher served for seven years on active duty in the Marine Corps, including two deployments to Iraq. He served as a top staffer on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Congressman Gallagher has a bachelor\\u2019s degree from Princeton University, a master\\u2019s degree in Security Studies from Georgetown University, a second master\'s in Strategic Intelligence from National Intelligence University, and a PhD in International Relations from Georgetown.\\n\\n\\n\\nRep. Gallagher has served on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. \\n\\nIn addition to foreign policy, in this episode, we also wound up talking about the new Congress and the reforms made during the Speaker\'s election. \\n\\nIn this episode, we discussed Yuval Levin\'s "Some Good Can Come Out of the Kevin McCarthy Fiasco" --'