The Day After Document - with Prof. Netta Barak-Corren

Published: June 24, 2024, 5:24 a.m.

b'Share on X:\\n\\nIs now the time for Israeli decision-makers to begin serious internal deliberations and planning for the \\u201cday after\\u201d in Gaza? According to Nadav Eyal in his column last Friday in Yediot, over 95% of Hamas rockets are gone, Hamas\\u2019s smuggling routes have been closed, and its munitions production capacity is zero. Is progress in defeating Hamas appears much better than one would think from reading popular press accounts?\\n\\n\\nIt\\u2019s against that backdrop that we\\u2019ve learned of a 28-page document -- this is not publica -- and is circulating among Israeli military leaders and war strategy decision-makers within the government. Some we spoke to suggested that this document is being treated as the basis for \\u2018day after\\u2019 planning in the government. It\\u2019s called: "From a murderous regime to a moderate society: the transformation and rehabilitation of Gaza after Hamas". The researchers are Prof. Netta Barak-Corren, a law professor who works on conflict resolution; Prof. Danny Orbach, a military historian; Dr. Nati Flamer who specializes in Hamas and Hezbollah; and Dr. Harel Chorev, an expert on Palestinian society.\\n\\n\\nTo help us understand these recommendations, we are joined today by one of its authors, Prof. Netta Barak-Corren, who is a legal scholar with degrees from the Hebrew University (where she is a professor). She clerked for the Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, and then pursued doctoral studies at Harvard, graduating in 2016. She currently is on leave from Hebrew University, while she\\u2019s visiting faculty at Princeton. She\\u2019s previously taught at University of Pennsylvania and University of Chicago.'