Rafah, Egypt & the "Day After" - with Amos Harel

Published: May 23, 2024, 4:59 a.m.

b'Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/2prj3ea7\\n\\nIn recent days, we have had three persistent questions:\\n\\nOne, how is it that \\u2013 in just a matter of approximately 10 days \\u2013 the IDF managed to move anywhere between 850,000 to a million Gazan Palestinians from Rafah to other areas of Gaza so Israel could conduct its operation against remaining Hamas battalions in Rafah? Weren\\u2019t we repeatedly told by the Biden administration that it was impossible?\\n\\nSo, our first question is, how did this happen? And what does it tell us about other gaps between the Biden administration forecasts and that of Israel\\u2019s when it comes to war-fighting in Gaza?\\n\\nOur second question is about Egypt. Given what we have learned in recent days, why has Egypt escaped any real scrutiny or pressure over the past 7 months?\\n\\nOur third question is whether all the heat on the Israeli Government for a lack of a \\u201cday after\\u201d plan really about the pursuit of a \\u201cday after\\u201d plan, or is it about deflecting scrutiny from other failures? \\n\\nTo help us answer these questions and others, we are joined by Amos Harel, who has been the military correspondent and defense analyst for Israel\'s Haaretz newspaper for 25 years. He is among the most well-sourced and thoughtful journalists and analysts covering Israeli security affairs inside Israel. Prior to his current position, Amos spent four years as night editor for the Haaretz Hebrew print edition, and from 1999-2005 he was the anchor on a weekly Army Radio program about defense issues.\\n\\nAlong with frequent "Call Me Back" guest and Fauda co-creator Avi Issacharoff, Amos co-wrote a book about the Second Intifada, called "The Seventh War: How we won and why we lost the war with the Palestinians", which was published in 2004 and translated into several languages, including Arabic.\\n\\nAmos and Avi also co-wrote "34 Days: Israel, Hezbollah and the War in Lebanon", about the war of 2006, which was published in 2008.'