Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Published: May 12, 2024, 5:37 p.m.

b'At 8:00 pm tonight in Israel, the siren will sound across Israel to mark the commencement of Israel\\u2019s Memorial Day, Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism). This is the day that Israelis, as a nation, honor the fallen from Israel\\u2019s military and those casualties from its wars and victims of terror attacks.\\n\\nSince last Memorial Day, 1594 Israelis have been killed. Out of those, 834 are civilians murdered in terror attacks, 822 of them since 10/07 (this is out of a total 4,070 who have been killed from terrorism since the Jewish State was founded). We will have more to say about Israel\\u2019s Memorial Day and its Independence Day in the days ahead. \\n\\nAs it relates to the war Israel is fighting today, this morning I spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about a number of issues, including the coming operation in Rafah, the necessity for continued IDF operations in other parts of Gaza that the IDF had previously cleared, what makes this war so different, whether the Prime Minister is thinking seriously about the \\u2018day after\\u2018 in Gaza and the contours of a Day After Plan for Gaza, how the Prime Minister is approaching the hostage negotiations, and whether exile for Hamas\\u2019s leaders (including Sinwar) could be part of a final deal to get the hostages home.\\n\\nIn this episode, passage read from \\u201cThe Genius of Israel\\u201d:\\n\\n'