Is Israel Alone? With Haviv Rettig Gur

Published: March 25, 2024, 4 a.m.

b'The new edition of The Economist Magazine features a photo of an Israeli flag, blowing in the wind\\u2026all alone. The cover title of this issue\\u2019s editorial is just that \\u2014 \\u201cIsrael Alone\\u201d. \\nThe editorial reads: \\u201cToday Israel has destroyed perhaps half of Hamas\\u2019s forces. But in important ways its mission has failed.\\n\\n\\u201cAs estrangement from the West deepens, so deterrence may weaken. Firms could be blacklisted. Bosses could move high-tech businesses abroad or, if they are reservists, be arrested there.\\u201d\\n\\nBut is Israel actually alone? This is what we unpack today during our regular check-in with Haviv Rettig Gur. And in the first part of the conversation, we wound up discussing why the criticism of Israel today looks almost identical to criticism of Israel in previous wars, regardless of which politicians are leading Israel.'