Iran, Israel & a Masterclass in US foreign policy - with Walter Russell Mead

Published: Sept. 9, 2022, 12:10 p.m.

b'Are we getting closer to or farther away from an Iran deal? Walter Russell Mead of The Wall Street Journal has been following developments closely. I wanted to check in with him. But I also wanted to talk to Walter about his big new and groundbreaking book, called \\u201cThe Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People.\\u201d\\n\\nWalter has been immersed in writing this book for over a decade \\u2013 it covers the history of the U.S.-Israel relationship, but it\\u2019s much more than that. It\\u2019s also a book about the history of US foreign policy.\\n\\nWhat has been America\\u2019s calculation behind U.S. support for Israel? Is it based on shared values \\u2013 a fellow democracy in a dangerous region, defending a country born out of the ashes of the Holocaust? Or has U.S. policy been based on realpolitik \\u2013 because Israel advances U.S. geopolitical interests? Or is it a blend of all of the above? What role does U.S. domestic politics play in all of this, if at all?\\n\\nWalter\\u2019s book frames our discussion not only about the history of the U.S.-Israel relationship, but the future of the relationship, and the future of U.S. foreign policy.\\n\\n\\nWalter is at the Hudson Institute, he is the Global View Columnist at The Wall Street Journal and a professor at Bard College. He was previously the Henry Kissinger fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.\\n\\nThe Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People:'