A Shift in the War - with Haviv Rettig Gur

Published: Dec. 24, 2023, 6:08 a.m.

b'The Hamas-Israel War, nearing its three month mark, is now the longest war in Israel\\u2019s history since Israel\\u2019s War of Independence (1948/49).\\n\\nThe first phase of this war, which took place over the three weeks following October 7, was largely conducted from the air. The second phase, the ground invasion, began almost two months ago (on October 27), in which the IDF took over most of Northern Gaza and a few pockets in southern Gaza. \\n\\nDuring the past week it has been reported that the IDF is preparing for a third phase in the war, expected to last many months, if not longer.\\n\\nWhat will this new phase look like? What are the many considerations shaping this new phase? How are Israeli society and Israeli politics reacting to this emerging shift? These are some of the issues we discuss in our weekly check-in with Haviv Rettig Gur of the Times of Israel.'