Hasbro Hinting That This Is The Direction They Want To Take Other Franchises, Specifically MLP G5

Published: July 29, 2020, 9:36 p.m.

With the way Hasbro is promoting "Transformers: War For Cybertron SIEGE", one has to wonder if this is the direction they want to take their other franchises in the future, most specifically "My Little Pony: G5". I mean with the rumors/leaks that came out around last year that Hasbro intends for G5 to be aimed at an older audenice when it comes out, possibly starting with the 2021/2022 movie, it does seem to fall in line with this new direction that Hasbro is possibly/maybe be heading, starting with "SIEGE". So in this video, I will discuss all that and why it may occur. Comments are Welcomed #MLPG5 #transformerswarforcybertron #Transformers #MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic #Hasbro #Netflix #JEMAndTheHolograms #M_A_S_K #GIJOE --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/bwrosas/support