BizAv Gets a Shot in the Arm!

Published: Nov. 22, 2021, 12:08 a.m.

Yes, deliveries of new business jets are up. So are sales of preowned aircraft and fractional shares, as well as jet card and block charter.

And that makes it tough to meet the travel demands of both current and new business jet travelers! There just aren’t enough aircraft available when they want to fly.

So how is the industry responding? And what does that mean to you?

In Business Aviation Gets a Shot in the Arm, Rolland Vincent of Rolland Vincent Associates and JETNET’s Paul Cardarelli discuss how the pandemic challenges underscored the advantages of business aviation, as current owners and charterers returned to the air, joined by staggering numbers of former commercial airline travelers.

When there’s more to be said than space and copy deadlines allow, you can rely on the Business Aviation Advisor “Above and Beyond” podcast series to get you the information you need, enabling you to make the most of your aviation investments.