Choose these things for quiet, high quality, long lasting plumbing— BYHYU 057

Published: Feb. 15, 2017, 10 a.m.

Pipes and plumbing fixtures are found everywhere in a new house.  Pipes run out of the house, under the house, within walls of the house, and finally arrive at many different fixtures, like sinks, toilets and tubs. Some pipes carry water and others carry gas.

Pipes are made different materials, either metal and plastic, and each material has its pros and cons.  We’ll talk about the pros and cons of different pipe materials and I’ll tell you what you can request from your plumber to keep your pipes quiet and to eliminate the noise of an upstairs toilet flush that can be heard by you and your guests while you’re sitting downstairs.  I’ll also give you a list of some things to consider to help improve the quality of your plumbing job.

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