Processing PROCESS

Published: April 12, 2014, 2:02 p.m.

After the recent publication of the process trial in the NEJM and discussion all over the FOAM forums - I have been contemplating how we might apply the findings in our smaller EDs, in the small rural towns where patients still get sepsis, and I believe should get world's best care.

PROCESS has many helpful findings that I think we can utilise... despite being a negative trial!

Here's my thoughts in the first "Broome Pearl" podcast - its just me, solo with my thoughts....

A few links that I mention:

The ProCess trial in NEJM and supplementary data are HERE

The New York STOP SEPSIS collaboration has info on EMCRIT HERE

Simon Carley's piece on St Emlyn's looking at our outcomes with Sepsis over the past dozen years

Seth Trueger's analysis on MDAware is here