Episode 26: Why do organisations fail? With Professor Charles McMillan, York University

Published: May 19, 2021, 4 a.m.

At a certain point all organisations are destined to fail, or are they? In a recent article, Professor Charles McMillan and colleagues explored some of the reasons why organisations fail and considered, in particular, three levels at which organisational failure can occur. We discuss these further with Professor McMillan in this episode of Brain for Business, Brain for Life. Professor Charles J McMillan, Professor of Strategic Management and International Business at York University in Toronto. Charles is the author of nine books and monographs related to international business and global management and has written and lectured extensively on globalization, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, strategic management, corporate governance, science policy, knowledge management and diffusion, and management development. Active in Public Affairs, Professor McMillan has also served as Senior Policy Advisor to Canadian Prime Ministers, working on trade agreements, regional development, Pacific Rim strategies, energy policy, science and technology strategies and Centers of Excellence, privatization of crown corporations, regional development, and foreign investment legislation. He now also consults widely to governments, multinationals, and international organizations around the world. The article referred to is available here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Charles-Mcmillan/publication/319421301_Crossing_the_Chasm_and_Over_the_Abyss_Perspectives_on_Organizational_Failure/links/5a5fa61a458515b437798050/Crossing-the-Chasm-and-Over-the-Abyss-Perspectives-on-Organizational-Failure.pdf