Episode 16: What's the story with the multigenerational workforce? with Ciara Kelly, Futureneerz

Published: Dec. 15, 2020, 7 a.m.

More and more, leaders and organisations are having to grapple with the reality of a “multi-generational” workforce, with three or more generations working together side-by-side. But what challenges – and more importantly what opportunities – does this create? Ciara Kelly of Futureneerz has over 24 years business and leadership experience in marketing, strategic planning, graduate programme development, millennial engagement & team leadership. Before establishing Futureneerz in 2017, Ciara spent many years working in senior marketing and business development roles with organisations such as Irish Distillers-Pernod Ricard and Coca Cola Bottlers. As an executive coach and certified Gallup Strengths Coach, in recent years Ciara has focused on empowering leaders & their teams. A key aspect of that is supporting leaders and organisations as they grapple with the challenge of the multi-generational work force. You can find out more about Ciara at her website: www.futureneerz.com More detail on the research on the multi-generational workforce is available online: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/238073/millennials-work-live.aspx https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/millennialsurvey.html