BSB045: Comp Title Commonalities

Published: Jan. 23, 2020, 8 a.m.

Today on the show, Jim and Abigail tackle author-submitted blurbs to rip them to shreds and build them back up, one line at a time. Here are this episode’s read-along selections:


To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.


Author: Max V. Weiss

Title: Digital Dementia: A corporate domination techno-thriller


Is Plexol's new brain chip going to spread internet to the masses or be used to control their minds?

Quint gets thrown into a battle for life and world domination, finding old loves and new tossed into the mix in this near future noir techno-thriller.

The most exciting journey into cyberspace since Neuromancer. Digital Dementia tells the story of mega-corporation Plexol, it's powerful brain chip implant, and one man’s fight to save the world from technological domination.

Get your copy today


--Abigail's Targeted Tip:

When deciding which elements to include in your selling paragraph, pick a similar book and write a list of what makes it great. Pick out the commonalities.



Want to submit your own blurb for consideration? Fill out the form at or send an email to